Ten Ways to Move More Everyday in Your Life
These are 10 ways you can move more in your everyday life without taking up more of your time.
Go up the stepsis, I do. You’ve probably heard this a lot. It’s still one of my favourite tips.
Using the stairs to increase your heart rate and balance can help you feel more stable. It also improves your lower extremity strength. You can do heel raises from the edge of the step if you feel energetic and have time, or you can take two steps at a stretch.
You’ll be glad you didn’t take the elevator.
- Incorporate walking meetings
Schedule a walk for one day if you work remotely or have made the transition to virtual conference calls.
You don’t have to stare at a screen or look at spreadsheets. Instead, take your headphones with you and go for a walk. This is a great way for you to change up your daily routine.
If you work in an office environment, make sure to take your one-on-1 meetings with you. Walking together can strengthen team bonds and help you come up with new ideas.
- Lunge it up
This is something I do a lot. I get funny looks from time to time, but I’m busy, and my time is precious.
Walking lunges along supermarket aisles while still holding on to the cart is great for shopping. Depending on how long your supermarket aisles are, you can do about 10-20 lunges with the cart. It’s quite fun, so go for it!
- Place your weight on an exercise ball.
You can swap your office chair in favour of a stability ball. You can use the stability ball to help your back and improve your posture. Also, while you are sitting on the ball, you can perform gentle mobility stretches for your neck and pelvis.
To help your core stabilizers, try a hula hoop motion. Tucking and untucking your pelvis can be done by doing a hula-hoop motion. Sitting marches and other exercises can be added to your abdominal work. All this while you are still at your desk.
- Park far from the city
Although we must be alert and safe around our surroundings, it is a good idea to park further away from where you are going. Walking for a few extra minutes can help you increase your daily steps.
- Get more sex
Yup, you’re welcome. An older study found that sex burns calories at an average of 3.1 calories per hour for women and 4.2 for men.
Although it is not as intense as a jog, you can still get sexy. You can have fun, experiment with new positions, bond with your partner, and move more.
- Fostering a pet
Volunteers are always needed to help at the local shelter or other adoption agencies. Bring your family to the shelter to volunteer to walk a few dogs.
You can increase your outdoor time, help a dog or your community, teach your children about caring for others and have some family time getting active and moving. It’s a win for everyone.
- Dance party
Turn on some music and clear the space. This can be done while you cook dinner, fold laundry, or vacuum.
Dancing can help you burn calories, improve balance and coordination. You can even make it a contest or game with your children. You want them to be able to understand 80s rock. Get shakin’ by listening to ACDC or whatever else makes you tap your feet.
- Change up the game night.
You can swap out your board and card games for more active games during your next family game night.
Here are some games to help you remember: Twister, hide and seek, kick-the-can, scavenger huntings, Twister.
These games can be enjoyed indoors and outdoors by anyone of any age. My family had a lot of fun playing Pin the Tail on the Donkey and Freeze Frame Dance Party. We all feel tired and sweaty afterwards.
- During TV time, stretch or exercise.
This goes against all the principles of “binge-and-chill,” but I’m not ashamed to admit it. Walking on the treadmill, stationary biking, stretching on the floor, weight lifting for upper- and whole-body strengthening, or Pilates during your next Netflix session are all options.
You can get 30 minutes of exercise if you watch 30 minutes of TV and then move all the way. If you feel that this is a good place to start, you can limit it to the commercials.
You can keep your exercise equipment near your “binge watching” area and perform bodyweight exercises, foam rolling or other activities during your show. A few reps of tricep presses or bicep curls can make a big difference in your posture and arm strength.
This is especially true of women who are more at risk for osteoporosis. To keep your bones strong and healthy, you should incorporate weight training.
The bottom line
These ideas should motivate and inspire you to move more in your day.
It can be not easy to keep a routine. Although it can be overwhelming to start exercising, these tips will help you get started.
You can start small with a few lunges, a walking class once a week, or stairs. Before you know it, you’ll be moving and groovin’ a lot more than before.