April 21, 2023 by No Comments

1. Find a safe location to buy a home

Try to find a house in a safe area instead of looking at frills. You will need to do your own research because, for a variety of reasons, your realtor cannot give you this information. Start by searching online for crime statistics in your area. Then, visit your local police department. They may even publish the local crime statistics for a certain neighborhood on their website. Look for signs that the area you are considering moving to has a crime issue. Anti-theft products are a sign that the neighborhood has a problem. Signs of alarm companies and bars on windows are dead giveaways.

A home in a less dangerous neighborhood will obviously cost more than one in a safer one. You can also look at it this way: If the resell price of the home is higher than that of a home in a more dangerous neighborhood, you have something of greater worth. In this way, the actual cost of security for the home is zero.

2. Get a dog

A dog is a relatively inexpensive way to deter criminals. Even the barking of a canine is enough to deter predators. You can put up a sign indicating that there is a dog in the area if you don’t want one.

It is better to have a strong and loyal dog such as a Rottweiler guard your home. A burglar will often flee if they have to face a small aggressive dog.

3. Strong House Numbers

It will make your home more visible in the neighborhood if you display a clearly legible and highly visible house number. The house number should also be visible at night. A well-placed and striking house number will help emergency personnel respond to your emergency faster. Some fire departments in your area sell reflective house numbers.

4. Windows

Keep your windows to a maximum of six inches. So, intruders cannot gain access. Use windows that are not as likely to break and make sure they don’t slide out of their frames. This can be done by tightly screwing the windows into the frames. You can also install windows that have a small device to jam them, so you can leave your windows open, but they won’t be able to be closed.

5. Make the house look lived-in

Make your home look occupied so that burglars suspect you’re either at home or that you could be arriving any moment. Be careful not to leave any tell-tale signs of your absence. Do not let flyers or mail accumulate. Bring the circulars and mail that has accumulated to a neighbor or friend. Never leave your porch light on while you’re away. Do not leave trash on the curb for many days prior to the pick-up.

You can also make your house look more lived-in by having the post office hold the mail while you’re away. This can be done either at the postoffice or online. Park in the driveway. You can ask a neighbor or a friend to park your car if you don’t own a vehicle or are going on vacation. Let a neighbor or friend mow your lawn, water the plants and open/close the curtains. You should also take care of any other chores which leave visible marks in the public.

6. Guard the perimeter

Installing motion sensors on your property is a sure way to scare off potential burglars. Surprise is your friend. Install regular lighting if you cannot install motion sensors. The light will make the burglar more exposed.

A fence can be a great deterrent for thieves. Even a small fence signals to the burglar that they will have to cross the barrier to enter the home.

Pruning your trees and shrubs will show a thief how well you care for your home. A home that has been well maintained is likely to be well protected. This will also help to eliminate places where the thieves can hide and evade the people’s view.

7. Alarm systems – buy a system

Alarm systems do cost you some money. Experts say you shouldn’t spend too much money on an alarm. You don’t really need an expensive system. Signage on the property is the greatest deterrent for criminals. Companies will often try to lure customers in by offering sophisticated monitoring systems and alarm systems. The best alarm is one that makes a loud noise. This is all you need.

8. Doors

Most burglars prefer to enter your home through the door. It is much more difficult to get through windows and it is awkward to carry valuables out of the window. The door should be extremely secure or else the burglar will be able kick it open with ease. Upgrade your lock as the first step to improving security on your doors. The installation of high-quality locks is not expensive and does not require the services of a locksmith. It is easy to do.

Next, you should upgrade your strike plate to strengthen your door. The strike plate is a metal plate that slides over the doorpost. A plate of inferior quality will make it easy for a thief kick the door open. It is better to choose a plate with up to six screw holes. Attach the plate with screws of three inches for increased strength. A solid door is better than hollow core doors. It’s harder to kick it in.

9. Join a neighborhood surveillance program

A neighborhood watch program can help you increase the safety of your home. Ask your local police department whether there are any local ones that you can join. Although the success of neighborhood watch is variable, it does provide an additional set of eyes to the police. Police cannot be everywhere at once.

Sometimes the community will set up a watch in response to a series of violent incidents. This type of watch is not very successful. Watches with a history of loyal members are more successful.

10. Other Strategies

There are other ways to improve the security of your house.

  • It may seem obvious but it is important to always lock your front door. People who live in quiet areas tend to become overconfident with their home security, and leave the front doors unlocked. It is not a good thing to do.
  • Check the locks regularly. Some people, including children and teenagers, will leave doors unlocked.
  • Always check who is at the door before opening it. This is something you should also teach your children.
  • Never leave your garage open. Close the garage door using an automatic closer when you arrive in your car at home.
  • Be sure to keep an eye on the people who are working at your home. Be sure that they do not slip into places where valuables, like jewelry boxes, are stored. Make sure they don’t leave any windows or doors to the house open where they could easily gain entry at a later date.
  • If you have an extra key, do not place it in an obvious location. For example, under the doormat. Be sure your children don’t tell anyone where you keep the spare key.
  • Check in with your family when you get home. Call ahead and let them know you’re coming home. You can also ask your children to do it

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